Work Bee Volunteer

We have so many Jobs that need doing, but there are only so many hands here at the camp. Please prayerfully consider placing your name and skills into our list and to come serve for a short time to accomplish a needed Task. Sometimes, it's digging holes or planting trees to beautify our property. Painting, Electrical, Building repairs, or maybe a new project. It's all needed and we are so Thankful for you. So come help, the coffee's on.


    I Want To Help           

Click on the above title and send us your info be it a single or group, and include your skills that will help us to plan ahead. We will contact you and set up a mutually convenient Workbee time. 

Thank you so much for considering us and helping to prepare a place where we might spread the Gospel and speak into the lives of young people through Camp Ministry.

And yes, there's always time to play While you are here.